Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland
Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland (FoRES) is a network of people who support the organization Rethinking Economics Switzerland (RE-S).
FoRES aims to bring people together:
- who share our vision for more pluralism in economics education and research,
- who are interested in rethinking the economics curriculum, and
- who are eager to discuss and explore pluralist and interdisciplinary approaches to economics.
We are a platform to discuss and meet like-minded people by organizing conferences and workshops, but also various leisure activities such as gatherings or hikes.

Membership – Become a member!
FoRES is open to any person who supports the goals and vision of Rethinking Economics Switzerland. We especially encourage former members of RE groups to join us.
By joining FoRES, you support both FoRES and RE-S. Your membership contributions will go in equal parts to FoRES and RE-S. Your financial support helps us to organize events and promote economic pluralism.
Contact us via this form to become a member of Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland.
National Gathering 2024: Exploring the Models, Norms and Discourses of Our Economy
Date: 20 April 2024, 13:45 PM
Location: Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN), Rue Saint-Nicolas 4, 2000 NeuchâtelRE-S is hosting its national gathering in Neuchâtel this year, and welcomes you to join in the afternoon for a fascinating exhibition on the embeddedness of the economy at the MEN (Musée d’ethnographie Neuchâtel).
We will meet at the reception of the museum at 13:45 o’clock.
Workshop on Money
Date: 8 May 2024, 18:30 PM
Location: MoneyMuseum, Hadlaubstrasse 106, 8006 ZürichProgram
– Ecological Transition in a Monetary Economy of Production: A Heterodox Approach, Alexandre Le Bloc’h (PhD student, University of Fribourg) and Maurizio Solari (PhD student, University of Fribourg)
– Digital Central Bank Tokens. What We Need to Discuss., Jürg R. Conzett (Founder, MoneyMuseum)
Registration necessary: Register via this form or email to You will receive a confirmation email in the following days. Please check your email.
Rethinking Economics Alumni Drinks in Lausanne
Date: 7th December 2023, 19:00 PM
Location: Le Vestibule, Rue Cité-Devant 4, 1005 LausanneRethinking Economics Lausanne and Friends of RE Switzerland invite all alumni of RE Lausanne as well as the interested public, especially students, to join us for some drinks. For students this is an opportunity to meet like minded people and get to know former rethinkers from the University of Lausanne. For the alumni this is the occasion to catch up with old friends.