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Past Events

Workshop on Money

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland

08 May 2024 18:30

MoneyMuseum, Hadlaubstrasse 106, 8006 Zürich

More Info

Date: 8 May 2024, 18:30 PM
Location: MoneyMuseum, Hadlaubstrasse 106, 8006 Zürich


– Ecological Transition in a Monetary Economy of Production: A Heterodox Approach, Alexandre Le Bloc’h (PhD student, University of Fribourg) and Maurizio Solari (PhD student, University of Fribourg)

– Digital Central Bank Tokens. What We Need to Discuss., Jürg R. Conzett (Founder, MoneyMuseum)

Registration necessary: Register via this form or email to fores@rethinkeconomics.org. You will receive a confirmation email in the following days. Please check your email.

National Gathering 2024: Exploring the Models, Norms and Discourses of Our Economy

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland

20 April 2024 13:45

Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN), Rue Saint-Nicolas 4, 2000 Neuchâtel

Date: 20 April 2024, 13:45 PM
Location: Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN), Rue Saint-Nicolas 4, 2000 Neuchâtel

RE-S is hosting its national gathering in Neuchâtel this year, and welcomes you to join in the afternoon for a fascinating exhibition on the embeddedness of the economy at the MEN (Musée d’ethnographie Neuchâtel).

We will meet at the reception of the museum at 13:45 o’clock.

Comment concilier économie et environnement?

Rethinking Economics Lausanne

27 February 2024 18:30

UNIL, Internef 275

Dans le format d’une table ronde, quatre professeur·es affilié·es à l’économie de l’environnement et à l’économie écologique nous parleront de leurs points de vue sur la question de “Comment concilier économie et environnement?”.

Rethinking Economics Alumni Drinks in Lausanne

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland

07 December 2023 19:00

Le Vestibule, Rue Cité-Devant 4, 1005 Lausanne

Date: 7th December 2023, 19:00 PM
Location: Le Vestibule, Rue Cité-Devant 4, 1005 Lausanne

Rethinking Economics Lausanne and Friends of RE Switzerland invite all alumni of RE Lausanne as well as the interested public, especially students, to join us for some drinks. For students this is an opportunity to meet like minded people and get to know former rethinkers from the University of Lausanne. For the alumni this is the occasion to catch up with old friends.

Normative Assumptions in Contemporary Economics

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland

04 November 2023 14:30

Studio21, Zentweg 21i, 3006 Bern

Date: 4th November 2023, 14:30 PM
Location: Studio21, Zentweg 21i, 3006 Bern

Rethinking Economics Switzerland is excited to have Dr. Sina Badiei from the University of Lausanne as a guest speaker at our annual national gathering. He will be discussing normative assumptions in contemporary economics. Everyone, including the general public, is welcome to join us.

FoRES Autumn Hike

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland

28 October 2023 10:20

Soubey, village

Date: 28th October 2023, 10:20 AM
Location: bus stop Soubey, village

Join us for an easy hike along the Doubs river from Soubey to St. Ursanne in the canton of Jura (~4 hours). Please bring your own lunch for picnicking outdoors.

Register by mail so that we can inform you if the hike is going to take place depending on the weather conditions: fores@rethinkeconomics.org

Doughnut Economics and Social Enterprises [EN/FR]

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland

07 March 2023 18:00

University of Fribourg, Av. de l'Europe 20, 1700 Fribourg

More Info

Date: Tuesday 7 March 2023, 18:00 pm – 19:30 pm

Location: University of Fribourg, Av. de l’Europe 20, 1700 Fribourg

Room: MIS 03 3113

Doughnut economics will be presented by Leonardo Conte (PhD student at the University of Fribourg). The concept of the doughnut is about an economy which puts human needs at the center and takes into account the planetary boundaries. Following this presentation, the social enterprise FRüTILE against food waste will be presented by Karin Mader (president of FRüTILE) and Delphine Rey (team member of FRüTILE).

This is a bilingual event. The doughnut economics part will be in English and the presentation of FRüTILE will be in French. This is a joint collaboration between the sustainability week organizers of the University of Fribourg and Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland.

Wellbeing Economy und Service Public Revolution: Wie meistern wir die aktuellen Krisen?

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

21 January 2023 13:00

Hotel Bern, Zeughausstrasse 9, Bern

As part of the sponsorship, we are pleased to announce the following panel discussion:

Wellbeing Economy and Service Public Revolution: How do we master the current crises?

Climate, Corona, wars: one crisis follows the next, while we find ourselves in an ominous maelstrom of profit and competition. How can we overcome all this? How do we orient the economy towards the common good and ecological requirements? What is the role of a consistent redistribution of wealth and a revolutionary renewal of the public service?

How do the two concepts differ and complement each other? What impulses do they generate? A short introduction will be followed by a discussion with the panelists.

From a pluralist perspective, it is interesting to see to what extent these two concepts, which have a different starting point, stimulate and enrich each other.

We look forward to seeing you all there and that our experiences, questions and critique can lead to a fruitful discussion with the panelists.

Podium participants

Katherine Trebeck, is co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, which brings together 350 NGOs worldwide. The Alliance wants a society built on the meaningful, common good participation of all. Their concepts are incorporated into the current government programs of Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, Wales and Finland.

Cédric Wermuth and Beat Ringger, are the co-authors of the book “Die Service public Revolution”. They want to drastically redistribute the world’s wealth and use it to build a care society based on broad-based public services.

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich – Movie Night: Laissez-faire

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

08 December 2022 19:00


When: 8th of December at 7 pm

Where: RAA-E-27

MoneyMuseum Workshop

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland

26 November 2022 12:45

MoneyMuseum, Hadlaubstrasse 106, 8006 Zürich

Date: Saturday 26 November 2022, 12:45 pm

Location: MoneyMuseum, Hadlaubstrasse 106, 8006 Zürich

Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland and Plurale Ökonomik Zürich invite you to workshops on the history of money and money as a (social-)system at the MoneyMuseum, followed by an unattended visit of the museum.

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich – Movie Night: Who’s counting?

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

22 November 2022 19:00

KOL-G-222, Rämistrasse 71 8006 Zürich

When: 22nd of November at 7 pm

Where: KOL-G-222, Rämistrasse 71 8006 Zürich

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich – Workshop: Collective Property Rights and Deforestation in Colombia

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

10 November 2022 19:00


When: 10th of November at 7 pm

Where: RAA-E-17



National gathering

Rethink Economics

29 October 2022 11:00


Save the date! Our yearly national gathering will take place on the 29th of October. More details will follow, but it will be for sure an exciting and instructive day! You don’t want to miss it 😉

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich – Workshop: Introduction to Decolonial Theory

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

25 October 2022 19:00

KOL-G-222, Rämistrasse 71 8006 Zürich

When: 25th of October 7 pm

Where: KOL-G-222, Rämistrasse 71 8006 Zürich

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich – Cooking Evening

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

13 October 2022 18:00

KOL-K-Küche, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich

When: Thursday, 13th of October at 6 pm

Where: KOL-K-Küche, Rämistrasse 71 8006 Zürich

Would you like to get to know Plurale Ökonomik Zürich and the people behind the association? Come by on the 13th of October at 6 pm, at KOL-K-Küche for a nice evening with food and discussions.

Vous avez dit Communisme?

Rethinking Economics Lausanne

28 June 2022 18:30

Anthropole 1031, UNIL

Philosophe et économiste français reconnu, Frédéric Lordon a publié en 2021 un livre dans lequel il démontre l’impérieuse nécessité d’une part de sortir du capitalisme, mais aussi et sur- tout d’imaginer un nouveau système économique, écologique et socialement soutenable.
Pour figurer une alternative souhaitable, il s’appuie sur les propositions formulées par le sociologue Bernard Friot sous la forme du « salaire à vie» et de caisses économiques, un projet qui révolutionne autant la manière de rémunérer les travailleur.euses que les droits de propriété dans l’économie.
Il y ajoute aussi des réflexions stimulantes sur la transition vers ce qu’il n’hésite pas à nommer le «communisme ».
Cette conférence nous donnera l’occasion de l’entendre développer sur ces différentes perspectives d’avenir.
On vous attend nombreu.x.ses !

Online Workshop: Intro to Plural Economics

Rethink Economics

16 October 2021 14:00


More Info

Join us for a fun and short introduction to plural economics. We will cover a few of the most important theories and we will try them out ourselves! This hands-on (or maybe heads-on?) will leave you with an idea of how different economic theories can enrich our understanding of economics! This is open to anyone, from a perfect newbie to anyone who would like to go back to basics as a refresher.

It will take place on October 16th, between 14:00-15:00, on Zoom. More details will follow via e-mail. (So it is worth signing up! 😉 )

National Gathering 2021 of RE Switzerland! *SAVE THE DATE*

Rethink Economics

06 October 2021 14:00


Join us for our National Gathering 2021!
Save the date to make sure that you will be able to join us.